Publication in: Spring 2024 Issue

Capture and Amplify: Novel Approaches to Extracting and Multiplication Entomopathogenic Nematodes Effectively
Jennifer Luna-Ayala
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Faculty Mentor(s):
Camila Filgueiras
Caroline Kennedy
Christopher Nicolay
Abstract / Summary:
Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are members of soil communities that play an essential role as biological control agents. Two major challenges to understanding and exploring EPNs are the difficulty in extracting from soil and the multiplication in the lab to be used for further research or biological control. Traditional methods of extraction have low recovery rates of live nematodes, while the use of past multiplication methods has resulted in bacterial and fungal contamination, and have low production. We designed a new instrument, the NEMA Device, that can be used for both extraction and multiplication. We evaluated the efficiency of our novel device by comparing it to the Baermann funnel extraction method and the White trap method commonly used for multiplying nematodes. To validate the instrument we used two nematode species (Steinernema khoungi and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) that vary in size and are commonly used to control pest species. The NEMA Device resulted in having higher recovery rates of both S. khoungi and H. bacteriophora compared to the Baermann method. There was no difference in production rate from the NEMA Device or the White trap. This new device promises to be instrumental in improving in recovering more nematodes. This standardized, cost-effective methodology will make studying these agriculturally important nematodes more accessible and result in better outcomes.
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