Publication in: Spring 2024 Issue

The Application of Blue Zone Theory to Assess Institutional Wellness
Justin Fleer
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Faculty Mentor(s):
Laura K. Jones
Abstract / Summary:
As the world is coming off of the coronavirus pandemic, public health is on the top of many people’s minds. There are several ways to conceptualize health, one of them being Blue Zones, places around the world with the highest concentration of people living to 100 years old. Popularity of this idea has grown around the United States, as people look for secrets to healthy aging and overall better wellbeing. There are 9 components identified. While communities around the country have been assessed using these nine factors as a way to enhance community wellbeing, universities have remained largely untouched. College campuses are pockets of a community within a larger area, and leads to a more specific demographic. This survey was conducted in an effort to evaluate a small, public liberal arts and sciences university population’s health using the 9 Blue Zone factors and perceptions of university support for each of these. Results of this study can be used to inform university policy and practices to align practices with student, staff and faculty perceptions so that the university population can maximize their wellness.
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